Sunday, February 24, 2013

We Are Young

 Xeric: Adapted to a dry envionment.

I'm watching the Oscars
while typing this.
Who says I can't be a multi-tasker?

Hamlet opens on Thursday.
I can't believe it's gone by this fast
I'm excited
and nervous
and anxious
and ready
yet not ready.
We're going to have rehearsals from five to ten on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
That should be fun.
No, it really will.
I love rehearsal and I know we're going to improve a lot from it!

I went to two farewells today,
Austin Nielsen's and
Ty Skousen's.
They are both incredible Young Men and they are going to be amazing missionaries.

I think we're pretty good looking, if you ask me.

One big happy family.

They are definitely best friends. ^^Davis and Ty^^

Have a great week.
Until next time,


Monday, February 18, 2013

Gravity Is Working Against Me

Matthew Crawley: The perfect man: kind, very handsome, sensitive, smart, hard-working, and madly in love with his wife.

Today I cleaned my room,
organized my bathroom,
learned how to open a starburst in my mouth,
went to work,
made eggs for breakfast,
did yoga,
finished a math assignment,
and a chinese assignment,
watched the season finale of Downton Abbey,
cried because I hated it so much,
cleaned my room,
organized my bathroom,
got my clothes picked up and sorted,
ate more starbursts,
went to work,
texted friends,
watched tv,
tried to do more homework,
didn't do it,
put on chapstick,
rocked my baby sister to sleep,
(which was the highlight of my day),
tried to help a friend,
made a presentation for chinese,
took pictures,
and ate frozen pizza for dinner.
It's been a good day off of school.
No, I didn't get all the homework done that I needed to.
In fact, I barely made a dent in it.
But I did my best.
And honestly, that's all I can do.

Wish me luck at school tomorrow.

"Settle down, it'll all be clear.
Don't pay no mind to the demons
they fill you with fear."
                                    -Home, Mumford and Sons 


Sunday, February 10, 2013

We Laugh Indoors

Laughter:  An expression or appearance of merriment or amusement.

I love Sundays so much that it is painful when it ends.
I dread going to bed because I know I have to get up and go to school in the morning.
I definitely prefer my Serene Sundays over my Manic Mondays.

It's been a really good (and hectic) week.

The show is going exceptionally well.
Ms. Nelsen FINALLY agreed to let me and Thayne make an appearance as Hamlet and Ophelia.
We're doing the opener as a speed through of Hamlet and then translating some of his lines into the rules.
For example,
"To be or not to be" becomes "To pee or not to pee, that is the question.  Please go before the show or at intermission, not during the show."
"For who would bear the whips and scorns of time" becomes "Please don't make us bear the noise of your children. If they are crying, please take them outside."
And a few other lines like that.
I like to think we're funny, but who really knows.
We're probably just ridiculous and over the top.
But it is fun, and it's nice to do Hamlet as a funny version for once.
And backstage is going better than planned.
Who knew being a techie could be so much fun?
We spent all of Fridays show playing ERS.
If you haven't played, learn how to play.
It is my favorite card game.
We were screaming and laughing and crying so loud in Nelsens room that we were afraid the audience might be able to hear us.  But the door was closed and we had no complaints, so, we continued to play.  We played it so that when you slap the doubles or sandwiches, you have to slap your head first.  This made it more painful and crazy.  AND HILARIOUS. I ended with a big red spot on my head.  But I won, so it was definitely worth it.

The pictures just can't capture how truly insane it was.
But it'll have to do, I guess.

Seriously though, we were all peeing our pants laughing.

Oh, the intensity.

I was up in the booth last night and saw Halea Walker right below me.
And I was eating a red vine.
So, I decided to throw some pieces at her to see how she reacted.
She was so confused at first and then by the third piece, she finally looked up.
You should have seen her face.
Shane also came to the play.
And naturally, we had to get a picture.

Even if they think I'm dumb for taking so many pictures.

Austin came too.  And since someday we're going to steal horses and fall in love (inside joke from Handing Down the Names...), we took a picture.

I mean, I think we'd make a great couple.

Friday night was also the Chiles tradition. 
We took up so much room, and our waiters worked like crazy.
But it was so much fun, and my chicken crispers did not disappoint.

My peeps.

I sat by Adam.
And we took this picture.
And sent it to Nicole, his girlfriend.
And she was really happy about it.

Other highlights of the week?

Taking pictures of Becca in math, unbeknownst to her.

You can tell that she's having a lot of fun in Calculus...

Finishing Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.
It was about a Chinese boy in Seattle who fell in love with a Japanese girl during WWII.
I haven't read many books about the Japanese interment camps, and this one was really interesting.
And sad.
And had a happy ending.
I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes love, history, and/or WWII.

Love. Love. Love.

In Nelsens room during the show.

Who wouldn't want this hottie?

Chives' (Dillon Durrant's) farewell today.  CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T GET ANY PICTURES. 
But don't worry, he will be at the show tomorrow night, so I'll make sure I get a picture with him then.
He gave such an amazing talk, and I feel so blessed to know such a wise, inspirational person.
I've known Dillon for four years, I think? And he has never ceased to amaze me.  He was one of the best techies who ever walked the halls of our school.  He is so dedicated and committed to what he does, and always gives it his best. He's never said a negative word about any person.  In fact, I find it impossible to imagine him ever saying something negative about someone.  He is so uplifting and spiritual, but also HILARIOUS. 
He told a joke in his talk that I loved. It goes:
"Boys should leave on their missions when they're sixteen.  Because they know everything and their moms won't cry when they leave."
Hahahahahaha, so funny, right?
I love him, and I know Finland is going to love him.
He is going to change so many lives.
And I am so very proud of him.

Elisa and I found that we had coordinating rings.
So I had to take a picture.

And that's about it for tonight.
It's been a good Sunday.
I've been enlightened, felt the spirit, and spent time with the people I love.
I honestly couldn't ask for much more.
Have a good week, folks.

Trying to be happier. I think it's working.  

♥ Bekah

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Small Moments

Moment: The present time or a definite period or stage.

Trying to enjoy the small moments. ♥ 

Rehearsal today.  I love Tanner. 

Taking advantage of free pancakes at ihop.  Brought some martinelies to make it a real party.

So much snow, such a little scoop.

Just a usual day in English.

Eating mint icecream in our matching animal farm mugs. Love my mama.

Can't drink soda because Hamlet is in less than a month............ :(

Life is so good right now, despite the negativity that constantly enters my silly little brain.
But I'm trying not to dwell on the negative.
Instead, focusing on the positive.
And reaching out to others to help them feel the positive.
I am happy.
And so thankful for the joy I feel every day.
Remember to enjoy the small moments.
Because they are what make up the big ones. 

♥ Bekah

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Each Coming Night

Theater: A building, part of a building, or outdoor area for housing dramatic presentations, stage entertainments, etc.

Another night of babysitting.
Another week of craziness and chaos.

As stressful as babysitting my five siblings is, I really do enjoy it.
I enjoy spending time with some of my best friends.
Is it weird that I consider my two-year-old brother as a best friend?
I mean, he is never going to remember me brushing his teeth and occasionally brushing his nose to make him laugh.
Or him announcing, "When I grow up I'm going to wear pull-ups.  All the time."
Or his giving me a huge hug with a running start before he goes to bed.
But I am.
I'm going to remember it all,
his rosy, pudgy cheeks.
His big, beautiful, expressive, brown eyes.
His darling smile.
His funny remarks.
The funny way he says those funny remarks.
His little stutter.
And that's how I feel about all of them.
The way Nick worries before going to bed, making sure I don't go to sleep until he's finally asleep.
Or how Sammi wants me to sing her a "LONG" song when I'm saying goodnight to her and it's already ten minutes past her bedtime.
Or having a girls night with Sammi and Bethany, painting our nails and watching Tangled.
Or beautiful Bethany refusing to eat her food, even when she's below the zero percentile in weight for her age and she needs all the food she can get.
Or Nathan snuggling up to me when I sing him a song at night and I realize that below his intense, loud exterior, there is an innocent, sweet, tender little boy.
I feel so blessed to be a part in the lives of these beautiful souls.

Anyway, I know I post about my siblings a lot, but I just can't help it.
So I went to UTA (Utah Theater Association) last week which was AMAZING!
I was sick on the first day of workshops, but I made it to the second day.
We watched Sweeney Todd.
But, I learned so much and I will definitely be using a some of it for Hamlet. 
(Which is opening on the 27th!!!!!)

Noah is getting ready...

There he goes.

So excited to learn about pantomiming! 

We met these kids while walking to the workshop.
The first thing the girl said to Adam was, "Hi, you're attractive."
So naturally, we sat by them.

Me and Rachel have lots of fun at UTA.

My favorite Pioneer High School students, Alexa and Ammon!

Luhhhhh her!

Exploration of Westminster College.

The Hamlet cast is part of Stage Crew for Harvey, so yesterday and today, we helped with that.
I was in charge of moving the stairs, but then Justus came to my rescue.
And we traded jobs.
So now I'm in charge of curtains.
And let me tell you. Without me, the show would not go on.
I've never worked backstage before, and it's been really fun.

This is Thayne.  Sometimes he goes by Ninja.

Katie and I wore coordinating outfits.  So, of course I had to get a picture.
And we are darling, are we not?

Yesterday was retro day/night.
It was really fun seeing the outfits people wore for that.
I walked into Student Council, and this is what I found.

Yes folks, this is my teacher, Gig.
I think he looks pretty good, don't you?
Thayne and I made it to the end of the Stag, and it was CRAZY!
If you've ever been in the middle of the dance floor during a stag, you know what I mean.
Everyone is jumping up and down.
And running into each other.
And you sweat like you never have before.
And the music is ridiculously loud.
And bodies are all around you.
Pressing in on you.
And you wonder if you might get crushed.
And possibly die.
Hmm, in fact, it doesn't sound that fun typed out like that.
Oh, but it was.
For about fifteen minutes.
And then we went back into the auditorium where Ms. Nelsen and some friends were talking.

And that's about all I have to say.
For tonight.
Life is good, even when I have calculus homework hanging over my head.
Goodnight, folks.

Brayden, my hipster brother, also says goodnight.

♥ Bekah