Saturday, November 23, 2013

So This Is What Nineteen Looks Like?

Nineteen: The year between eighteen and twenty.

Wow, I can't believe it's been a year since I started this blog.
Laughing Hippos? Not sure why I called it that. But it stuck, and I think it's going to continue sticking, if you know what I mean.

A lot has happened this year.
And yet, I still feel very much the same.

I'm grateful for the amazing experiences I had as an eighteen year old, some of which include
starring as Ophelia in Hamlet,
participating in Student Council,
being a part in POW, the beautiful, original play about Corbin B. Willis,
graduating from high school,
saying goodbye to my twin brother for two years while he serves as a Missionary in Taiwan,
and attending Brigham Young University as a freshman.

Honestly, the list goes on and on.
But, I think the most important part about my transition from eighteen to nineteen is my growth.
(And I just don't mean growing older and wiser)
I mean that I have grown emotionally.
I've learned how to be self-reliant. (Although I still do rely heavily on my roommates and parents.)
I've learned to manage my own schedule. (Sometimes staying up way too late, but it was definitely worth it, right?
I've learned to be responsible for my homework, my grades, my calling, and my job.

And not only have I grown emotionally, I've also grown spiritually.
I've really felt my faith in Jesus Christ grow stronger.
My testimony has been strengthened, and deepened.
I know that I have a Heavenly Father in heaven who truly loves me.
I know that He is looking out for me, waiting to help me.
I know that I am a divine daughter of God, and if I can see myself as He sees me, I can find confidence, peace, and joy.

Cheers to nineteen!

(We went ice skating for my birthday. My absolute favorite. ♥)


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Goodbye, eleven inches.

Hair: The substance that looks like a mass of fine threads growing especially on the head.

Hi, I cut off eleven inches of my hair this week.
So that's cool.
I woke up on Wednesday morning, and felt that it would probably be good to donate my hair soon.
Then for lunch, I walked into the wilk, and a hair salon was there cutting hair for Locks of Love.
I think not.
I was having a really good hair day too, with long, beautiful curls.
I sat in there for about an hour, telling myself that I could just cut it over Christmas Break or something.
But as I got ready to go, I couldn't leave.
For whatever reason, maybe because there's a girl who desperately needs my hair, or maybe to simply humble myself, I felt very strongly that I needed to donate my hair right then.
I knew I would regret it if I didn't.

So I got up.
And with my heart beating fast, and my palms sweating, told them I wanted to donate my hair.
And now I have eleven less inches of hair.
And I love it.
And my head feels lighter, and my heart feels happier.

For some reason, Heavenly Father was prompting me to donate my hair that lovely Wednesday afternoon.
I don't know why, but I knew I needed to follow that prompting.
I'm so grateful for a father in Heaven who knows me better than I know myself.
Who understands the whole perspective.
Who helps me become refined and become a better person.



I truly hope you are having a lovely day.

♥ Bekah