Thursday, January 23, 2014

Friends, They Are Jewels

Time seems to go so fast these days.
I can't even comprehend it.
Before I know it, a day, a week, a month has gone by.
And I'm over here like, "wait, hang on, wasn't I just born like yesterday?"

Today is Thursday which is fun because I have so much time between work and class that I can do so much.
Usually, I waste it.
I watch TV, 
spend way too much time on social media,
or sit on the couch doing absolutely nothing. (Really though, this happens.)

Today I made a gourmet breakfast (of scrambled eggs on toast - a classic.)
Then sat around the apartment, tried on probably five different outfits, and FINALLY forced myself to walk to the library where I can usually focus.
I spent about thirty minutes trying to print power point slides for my Humanities class, but for the life of me, could not figure it out.
Power Point was smarter than me this time around.
And since the magic of swiping my ID card to pay for documents has faded, I gave up in a huge rage, and decided to work on something else.
I planned my week out and realized I don't have any homework due tomorrow. (YAY)

So here I am, in the "Eating Zone" at the library. Foodless and happy. 

But, moral of the story is, I definitely did have a reason for writing today.

A lovely, lovely person, Sister Haddock wrote me the kindest note this afternoon. She was my BOM professor last semester, and is now my Humanities professor this semester. I had one of those mornings where you leave the house feeling unattractive, unimportant, and definitely unhappy.  In this note, Sister Haddock said some very uplifting words and essentially deemed me "Rebekah - The Radiant." Is it a coincidence that the shirt I'm wearing today says, "Shine Bright."? 

I think not.

I definitely needed this reminder today that I am radiant. That I do make a difference in people's lives.  We all do.  We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father.  We have so much worth, and radiance, and light.  I am so thankful for  Sister Haddock who listened to the spirit to help me remember my worth today.

Have a happy, happy Thursday.

♥ Bekah

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Echt: Real; authentic; genuine

Happiness is...

Happy, Thursday.
