Sunday, May 12, 2013


Trampoline: A sheet, usually made of canvas, attached by resilient cords or springs to a horizontal frame several feet above the floor.

Hello there.
Remember how we have school tomorrow?
What a joke.
Students don't want to be there,
Teachers don't want to be there,
Administration? Well I'm sure they're struggling too.

"Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard."
         -Referencing Coldplay lyrics to my life; yes please.

Oh, did I mention that IT'S MOTHERS DAY TODAY??
Well, it is.
I should dedicate a whole blog post to my mother.
But for now, this will have to do.
As I'm getting older, and hopefully wiser too, I'm starting to see things in myself that are strangely like my mother.
The way I talk, the sound I make when I'm excited and I breathe in, my eyelids, etc.
At first it bothered me.
I want to be unique, you know?
I don't want to be a clone of mother.
But then my wiser part kicked in and I realized that, duh, I DO want to be like my mother.
What an honor it would be to have any similar characteristic to her.
She is so unbelievably beautiful on the inside and out.
She is my number one best friend. I know I can tell her anything, and she will listen.
She sacrifices more in one day than I have in my entire life.
She is raising seven children, and takes those responsibilities with ease and without complaint.
She is inspired, and follows God's plan for her with courage and without complaint.
She is truly one absolutely incredible human being. If I can someday be half as amazing as her, I'll be happy.

This weekend has been so nice.
Refreshing is a good way to describe it.
I've just felt so stressed and anxious these last few days.
And weeks.
And months.
But now AP tests are over.
And I don't have any more plays coming up.
And we had the Drama Banquet last night.
And my calculus final has been graded.
So I can finally breathe.
Take in some fresh air.
Enjoy the beautiful weather.
Read my scriptures.
Get some sleep.
And spend time with my family.

Ms. Nelsen gave the seniors candles with quotes from her favorite shows on them.
Mine said, "Find joy in the simple things."
I know I've discussed this a lot, but I think it is very relevant to my life.
I am surrounded by joy and happiness everyday.
Joy that I know I haven't realized because I'm looking to different sources for joy.

But happiness is real, my friends.
I played with my brothers tonight.
And ate ice cream.
And sang songs.
And jumped on the trampoline.
And swung on the swings with my sisters.
And smiled.
And laughed.
And spent time with the people I love.

Life is incredible, and truly a miracle.
I'm so grateful for a God who knows me, strengthens me, and blesses me.
Take time to find joy in the simple things. It'll make all the difference.

Oh the things you can do with a trampoline.

♥ Bekah

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