Another New Year?
Are you sure?
I remember being in first grade when the year changed from 2001 to 2002 and I knew it was going to be a difficult transition.
For the next couple of weeks I wrote 2001 on all my papers, then remembering it was 2002, I would frantically erase the one and triumphantly replace it with a two.
And look at me now.
Eighteen, entering the year 2013.
The year I graduate.
And go to college.
And "grow up."-if there is such a thing.
Can you believe it?
I definitely can't.
But before we move onto 2013, why not reminisce about 2012 a little bit longer.
How about a recap of each month?
Sounds good to me.
Started the year off right with the New Years party at Derek Wilcox's house. We played Zumi Zumi (This is the game my brilliant cross country coach, Coach Rowe, taught us in California. You put a gross concoction together of random food and then play a game similar to concentration, but with names. Then whoever loses, has to drink a cup of the unknown substance. Sounds fun, right? Refer to the picture below.) I also got a kiss from Josh Black at midnight. (Calm yourself. It was on the cheek, I promise.) It was also a month of playing with my new little sister, Bethany. Intense AP Us History study and worry. (I think at one point, I went to Mr. Andersen in tears and told him I didn't think I could continue with the class AND take/pass the test at the end of the year. He told me he KNEW I could do it. I just needed to believe in myself. So, I started to..) I also went to the 100 years celebrating seminary and sat in the seventh or eight row which was really cool.
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I admit, it does look really, really gross. In fact, looking at it is starting to make me feel nauseous. But, I mean, I won. (So I didn't ever have to drink it.) |
Another crazy month. I had piano festival, and sweethearts, and my play all around the same time. Festival went really well. (I think I received a superior star. Which isn't the best, but it's still pretty good. Especially considering how busy I was.) Sweethearts with Chris Coca was AMAZING. And the play, well, I don't think I can sum it up right now. For now, we'll just say it was a life-changing experience. I'll have to dedicate a whole entry just to Handing Down the Names. It deserves that.
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The beautiful, beautiful, beautiful stage for Handing Down the Names |
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Our VERY cute feet at sweethearts. |
I got this crazy notion in my head to run for Student Body President. And March was election month. Now why, you may ask, would anyone get it into their head to run for Student Body President? Honestly, I don't really know. But I just felt that I needed to run. So I did. It was extremely stressful, but also extremely rewarding. I learned so much about myself, everyone else who ran, and the school. And I loved it. And guess what? I didn't win. And guess what else? I'm happy I didn't win. But guess what else? I'm happy I ran. Because I know if I hadn't of ran, I would have regretted it. And now I'm photographer for Student Council, which is perfect. I also went to the festival of colors with two of my favorite girls, Alaina and Sarah. It was crazy, crowded, noisy, chalky, and so much fun.
I thought it was pretty cute. |
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Hari Krishna |
One word: New York City.
With the drama, dance, and photo students. Jealous much? Yeah, you should be. It was amazing. We toured sites, walked, shopped until our feet hurt, walked, took TONS of pictures, walked, went to a Major League Baseball game, (is it bad that I can't remember what team?), walked, and saw four Broadway plays. Can I please just go back?
The month I was dreading since the moment I signed up for my Junior Year classes; the month of the AP United States History test. I was SO NERVOUS for it, and I studied harder than I ever had before. And then the test came, I took it, and it was hard. But not as bad as I expected. Hmmm. I also had prom. With Josh Sparks. Could I have asked for a better date? Absolutely not. He is hilarious, handsome, and such a gentleman. Oh, school also ended. Which was a huge relief. And the Seniors of 2012 graduated. Saying goodbye to them made me realize that we're all growing up. And soon (THIS YEAR) I will also be graduating. And starting a new chapter of my life.
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Best date. Ever. |
SUMMER. FINALLY. We went on a Family Vacation to St. George before Mike left for China. We had trek at the end of the month which was great. It was seriously one of the most spiritual experiences of my life.
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You think it's a normal, cute picture of me. And then you notice Mike.
He's very proud of this picture.
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This one too. |
Just like real pioneers. |
I cut off 12 inches of my hair and donated it. That was a HUGE change. But it makes me happy to know that one girl is able to have hair because of me. And I like my new look! I also Leadership camp at Dixie then Girls Camp. Probably my last one. So it was bittersweet, and as always, very spiritual and very fun.
Oh, I also found out my AP history score. I GOT A FIVE.
Just me. Holding my twelve inches of hair. |
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All of us crowded into one hotel room in 100 degree weather. Can you feel the love? I sure can. |
Went to Efy. It was so amazing. I went by myself to BYU-Idaho and was surprised by how much I LOVED IT. I had the best roommate (Shay Sookhoo-Patrelli), the best girls in my apartment, the best group (The Willing), the most amazing Session Director and wife, and the coolest counselors. Again, I'll probably need to dedicate a whole entry for EFY, but can I just say that I know I was there at the right time in the right place. Oh yeah, I also started my SENIOR year of high school. NO BIG DEAL. And of course, I enjoyed my last few days of freedom.
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Are you willing? WE ARE WILLING. |
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Welcome to high school, erryone. A little crowded, eh? |
Football games, homework, and drama 4 auditions. Since we're doing two plays in Drama 4 (our advanced drama class), we had to have auditions really early because we took Hamlet to Shakespeare. Long story short, it was really stressful, and I got cast as Ophelia in Hamlet. (!!!!!!!) Which was VERY exciting.
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Football fun!!! |
What a good month.
The Shakespeare Festival was definitely an experience to never forget. The judges loved Hamlet, and one even nominated us to showcase. We got fourth out of probably fifteen or sixteen schools in our region. Then Rachel Clark and I competed in scenes with Romeo and Juliet. We set it in WWII time, with Juliet as the Jew and Romeo as the Nazi. Rach was my nurse. One judge LOVED us and wanted to keep talking to us about it after we competed. The other two? Eh, not so much. But we did our best, and I feel really good about it. And it was just an amazing experience. The announcement that girls can serve missions at the age of 19 also happened while we were at Shakespeare! I was shocked. And overjoyed. This means that I could possibly be serving a mission at the end of this year or the beginning of next! Crazy, right? I was also in charge of the October Spirits Week for our school. It was exhausting, stressful, and rewarding.
The year ended with our annual family Halloween party. And it did not disappoint.
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Cutest family award. |
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Ophelia and Laertes. //Drowned.// |
I mean, I turned eighteen. That's a pretty big deal.
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And I definitely went to the store on my birthday to buy myself eighteen balloons. |
I enjoyed the Holidays. I went to temple square. I went sledding. The usual. I learned to appreciate the family and the amazing friends in my life. I played the piano for our church Christmas choir performance. Since Mike and I are both in it, Sammi and Nick decided to join too. It was a cool experience singing with three of my siblings. I also finished the Book of Mormon again and gained an even greater testimony of the amazing church I belong to, and Joseph Smith who worked so hard to translate the truly inspired doctrine, and Jesus Christ whom I worship. I enjoyed every minute of celebrating His birth this year.
So grateful for this BEAUTIFUL refuge from the world.
//Photo Cred. goes to Miss Tyler Tucker.//
It has been a good year.
Definitely a hard one.
But good, nonetheless.
I've learned.
I've laughed.
I've trusted.
I've changed diapers.
I've played the piano.
I've served.
I've been to New York City.
I've learned the ukulele.
I've cried.
I've made new friends.
And let go of some old ones.
I've blogged.
I've performed.
I've been selfish.
I've tried to be selfless.
I've grown.
I've changed.
I've gone to the temple.
I've taken pictures.
I've survived.
I've made it through each day.
I've seen things in a new perspective.
I've finished the Book of Mormon.
I've loved.
I've hoped.
I've smiled.
I'm excited to see what this new year has to offer.
Because, really, anything is possible.
Happy new years, folks.
♥ Bekah
You are so cute!! I love your blog. You are such an amazing person and you will do great when you leave the nest and venture into the "real world".
ReplyDeleteLove you!
hey, this is brit. remember, girl from PG? well i think your blog is suuper cute. and i think you are too. (:
ReplyDeleteAHH, thanks Brit!! I love yours! You and your blog are adorable! And good job to your team last night. That was seriously the craziest game I have ever been to! I'm so glad we got to know you before, or we probably wouldn't have liked you after. And you guys really do have such an awesome Student council! Good luck with the rest of the year. I can't wait to keep reading your blog. (:
ReplyDeleteOh, and thanks, Shannon! I LOVE YOU!