Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I'm a Young Soul in This Very Strange World.

Survive: To remain or continue in existence.

My free time is slowly slipping away.
And with it, my sanity.

Math is actually becoming hard for me.
Calculus is brutal.
And using the quotient rule and then the product rule to find a second derivative?
Good night.

My favorite character from Downton Abbey is gone.
How could they do this to us?

My room is messy even when I know how good it feels when it's clean and organized.
But looking at the mess overwhelms me.
So I move my clothes out of the way and pretend it's not messy.

I'm so tired lately and no matter how hard I try to go to bed early,
I always seem find something that keeps me up a little bit later.
Like this blog entry?

But on the bright side, I had a photo-shoot in the snow today.
With Jacob and Nick.
It was freezing, but it soothed my soul to be outside doing something I loved.
They even took a few pictures of me playing in the snow.
It was cold, but definitely worth it.

Life is good, despite the first-world problems I am facing.

At least I have a warm, comfortable home to live in.
A loving family who would do anything for me.
Food, and more than enough of it.
A free education.
My maroon cords that I lost and was desperately missing, then finally found today.
Friends who care for me and put a smile on my face.
A Heavenly Father who loves me and guides me through this crazy, chaotic, confusing life.

♥ Bekah

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