Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Day With Bethany

To Bethany. A memory.
You are three and you call yourself Bobbies.
I spent all day with you, and it was an adventure.
You put your "tanties" (panties) in a line this morning to count them and decide which pair to wear today. You chose the yellow pair.
We went to the petting zoo with the other kids, and a guy referred to me as your mom. I didn't correct him.
At the petting zoo, you were terrified of the animals.  You enjoyed looking at them, but only at a distance. If we got too close to a horse or a goat, or a peacock, you would hold on really really tight to me,
Your favorite phrase right now is "no way" and no matter how hard I tried, you wouldn't finish your sandwhich at lunch, or your pizza at dinner. But you ate plenty of watermelon, carrots, and strawberries.
At the end of the day, I'm pretty sure that 50% of your food intake was probably toquitos.
You cried when Sammi tried to get you ready for bed, and ate my favorite dark chocolate EVEN when I told you not to.
We went to the petting zoo, and you loved the animals, but stayed a safe distance away from them because you were terrified of them at the same time.
When I sang "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree" for bed, you looked at me with a wide, excited expression and said "Me love that song!"
And when I checked on you to make sure you were safe and sound and asleep, you had fallen asleep with your baby laying on your chest.
A long and a busy and a happy day for a little girl and her sister.

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