I have NO desire to do my homework right now.
Which is very bad because I have two Chinese quizzes tomorrow AND math homework due.
But I really don't want to memorize dialogues or do calculus right now.
So instead, I will blog.
Guess where I get to go tonight?
Every student council member is required to go to at least one sporting event for each game. So tonight is my turn to watch short, stocky guys in tight outfits wrestle each other.
What more could I want to do on a Wednesday night than that?
Maybe I'll try to memorize some 中文 tonight while "watching."
We had callbacks for MDT today.
Holy cow, I was SO NERVOUS.
I don't even know why. I guess mostly because I want a lead. Or at least a person that has lines, danget. Is that too much to ask?
But I also want Rach to get a lead. And we got called back for the same people.
So I just have to remember that I already have Ophelia which is literally the best.
And I am lucky just to be able to be a part of P.O.W.
Today is also 12/12/12.
Which is kind of a big deal.
Today at 12:12 it was 12/12/12 and I was in 12th grade.
Is no one else freaking out about that?
I will never forget that life-changing moment in my life.
Audrey and I said goodbye to Kolton yesterday. He went to the MTC today and then from there is going to Argentina. We brought him donut holes (that we went to the bakery to buy and Danielle, the lovely worker, gave them to us for FREE because she is so nice and it was the end of the day!) and a blue balloon.
Because I love balloons.
I think he liked it, too:
Goodbye Kolton.
You are going to be an excellent missionary.
And I will miss you.
Kaya had a birthday on Saturday.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to hang out with her because she was busy all day, but I did give her a present and some BALLOONS. (They even had notes inside of them. Creative, huh!)
Gosh, I just love balloons so much. Can you tell?
(Those two-day old balloons are really ugly, but I decided to give them to her anyways. I mean, it's the thought that counts, right?)
Let's not forget Bethany's birthday on Monday, either. I mean it was her first birthday for goodness sake. I cannot believe my baby (and she literally is a baby) sister is already one. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I almost had to ditch Josh at the Winter Ball because my mom went into labor.
And I WAS NOT going to miss her birth.
Thankfully, the little angel came just in time, and what an amazing experience it was.
Even though we are 17 years apart, I feel a connection to her that only sisters have.
We are so blessed to have this little angel in our family.
She has brought nothing but immense joy and happiness to us.
Happy Birthday Bethany.
I know I am biased, but is she not the prettiest baby you have ever seen?
I guess that's about it for today.
Time to go support some sweaty wrestlers.
So excited.
You have no idea.
Have a lovely evening. Or morning. Or afternoon.
It just depends on when you happen to be reading this.
♥ this silly eighteen year old, Bekah
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