Thursday, July 30, 2015


So many times, I get stuck in my head and I don't write!
I have so many parts of my day that are happy and joyful. I also have parts that are hard, but they help me grow and learn and give me perspective etc. etc.
But, I don't write them down.
And theeeeen, I forget.

Let me paint this picture for you. Today as I was listening to the Podcast, "Serial" from the producers of This American Life, they were interviewing a guy who was convicted of murder.  They were asking him for facts about where he was and what he was doing at the day and time of the murder but to him, it was just a normal day.  He couldn't remember what was happening one random Wednesday six weeks ago.  I mean, think about it, can you remember what you were doing at 3:30 PM on Wednesday six weeks ago? Even with our phones and social media, that's hard.

Now, with this in mind, I ask this question. If a memory six weeks ago, or even six days ago, is not written down or recorded somehow, did it even happen? I mean, yeah maybe it did.  But what is the point if we don't remember them? How often do we forget those happy, joyful and sometimes life changing moments? Yikes, I know I have forgotten way more than I'd like.

Sooooo, today's memories in a quick paragraph.  At work we took the K-2nd graders to the Provo Rec and this is always a bit stressful but so fun to see them so happy because they love swimming! I'm usually tense and always counting the kids to make sure we don't lose one. But today, we had 4 staff, so I relaxed a bit and played with the kids.  We swam and swam and swam. Played the color game. Practiced our floating skills.  Jessica was so cute in her life jacket, and Marilyn held onto me because she couldn't touch at four feet.  Jaczeri loved when I would hold onto the ball under water and then let it pop into the air.

As I write them down, they don't seem as significant.  BUT, it was such a good day at work.  And that, my friends, is a neat feeling.

In fact, having a good day at work, almost makes me feel like this.
Dancing in an art gallery of rugs while wearing thrifted hiking shoes.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Eat More (Cold) Waffles

I forgot how good cold waffles taste.
This morning for breakfast/lunch I crammed 2 cold waffles into a baggie, grabbed a bag of wheat thins, an apple, and a banana and ate it as I drove to work.
Not one of my proudest moments, I know I know.
But it "did in a pinch." as my dad likes to say.
And it was delicious.
Thank you.