Friday, November 28, 2014

Sometimes, We Wonder

We're human beings.
Obviously we're going to wonder.
What are we going to wonder about?
Oh, all sorts of things.
Maybe a little bit of everything.

But, that is why we have a Heavenly Father.
He helps us, guides us, and He leads us.
Don't get me wrong, we'll still wonder.
But because of Him,
we can wonder a little less.


Love, Bekah

Sunday, September 14, 2014

"God's light is real, it is available to all.  It has the power to soften the sting of the deepest wound."
-President Uchtdorf

Friday, August 22, 2014

Welcome Home

There's something about traveling, especially in airports. You find all sorts of people, all kinds, from all places. And there's something about making a connection with them. Talking about religion, hobbies, careers, or education for an entire flight, taking off & coming back down with stomach dropping bumps along the way, whispered conversations about going home for a father's funeral or a fascinating book or the best things to do in Pittsburgh, hugs in the airport saying goodbye, simple glances or smiles with an unspoken understanding. I love these human beings, people I have never met, and probably never will. People who are living their lives, raising their families, pursuing their careers, overcoming trials, finding happiness, doing the best their little hearts can.

And it's times like these when I realize there is so much more to life than science, or equations. I mean, look at us. There is no possible way that we were just accidentally formed by evolution, or an explosion, or thousands of years of change.  There is no way that there wasn't something before this life, and there won't be anything after.  We are all children of a LOVING Heavenly Father.


Every single person in that airport.
And in the cars on the freeway.
And in the stadium of a Steelers game.
And in the cute houses,
or huge apartment buildings.
And in Africa and Russia and Australia.
We are all part of a Plan of Happiness.

Look at us, we are Divine.
We are created in God's image.
And we are beautiful.
We are going to live,
with our families,
It's all going to work out.
This life is.
Heavenly Father knows us,
loves us,
is looking out for us,
and is proud of us.

I like that.
I like that a whole lot.

I hope some, if any, of this made sense.
Hold your head up, have hope, life is good.

Love, Bekah

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Faith & Beks at Joy's Farewell

Joy's Farewell

Hi, Pittsburgh

ni hao,
hello from the state of Pennsylvania. 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

I'm out here visiting my beautiful bestie, Joy Purnell (who was my roommate Freshman year), for her birthday and her mission farewell talk. On Saturday we rode the incline (picture a very slow, very cute, uphill train with one boxcar) to get an incredible view of the city, ate at Primanti Brothers (they put the whole meal - meat, fries, and cole slaw - on the sandwich), and walked around the city for a bit. It's a very unique city because it's very old (and old fashioned) and has lots and lots of bridges.  The city with the most bridges in the world, actually. BUT IT'S BEAUTIFUL. SO that's been cool! Then Joy gave a very beautiful and inspired talk today. It was cool because here in Pittsburgh, since there aren't very many missionaries from the wards, they encourage traditional farewells where the parents speak as well. So we got to hear from Joy AND her parents, YAY. It was a "Power Hour" of Sacrament Meeting if you ask me. The spirit was very sweet and strong, and I felt the truth in their words and their testimonies. 

Joy & her sister Holly also sang a song called "In Christ Alone." 
The lyrics rang truth to me, and the spirit brought me to tears.
Here are the beautiful, beautiful lyrics:

In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all-in-all
Here in the love of Christ I stand

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand​

It's been a really amazing Sunday. I know that Jesus Christ is our Brother and Friend. HE LOVES US. HE WANTS THE BEST FOR US. What a blessing it is that we a have a chance to feel the joy that comes from the gospel. Real, obtainable, eternal joy.  And that's really, really cool.

Love, Bekah Ellen Boyd

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014

1:15 AM

Omnicscience: The state of having infinite intelligence.

Some weeks are longer than other weeks.
And this week. Well, this week was one of the long ones.

I got a new job. One that I was so blessed to find, and even more blessed to be accepted to.  I now work at the Boys and Girls Club of Utah County. I am a teacher for thirteen of the most beautiful, precious, (crazy), and wise 5-8 year old souls.

It has been one of the most amazing experiences. But also one of the hardest.
I got home from work last night, after working a total of 35 hours for the week, and I was exhausted. My head hurt,
my body hurt,
my spirit hurt.
I was done.
I honestly did not know how I could possibly get up the next day and spend another 5 and a half hours doing the same thing.

But then I went to my Grandparents house. The ones who live out in the country. I spent the night with family. I watched the sunset, and heard the bugs, and felt the cool air. I relaxed, I pondered, I laughed, and I talked to the ones I loved. I left their house feeling renewed. I went to work happy. I went to work excited to work with the kids. It was a blessing that has not gone unrecognized.

I have learned so much this week about myself, about children, about humanity, and about life. More than I ever thought I would when I first took on this job.

I love my jobs. I love where I live. I love the life I am living, and the joy I am constantly finding in simple moments.  Tonight, my friend Mike and I, invited the elders who live at the MTC to come to dinner with us. They are serving there for two years, teaching through social media, specifically skype, so they are allowed to have dinner appointments.

It was a much needed night with missionaries, friendship, laughter, and the spirit.  I felt so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing human beings. In fact, I feel so blessed every single day to be around the people I am, because I truly believe they are some of the best people I have ever met.

Cheers to a good week full of responsibility, growing up, learning, crying, and laughing. Yay.

My Faves, Elder Kitchens and Elder Eberle:



Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Staring at the Blank Page Before Me

Sometimes my mom sends me emails with youtube links and notes that say, "my thought for you today!!! love you." (Isn't she cool?

I know it's a classic, but the truth is, if you listen to the lyrics, they really are very true. And it'll change the perspective that you have on your life.

Go ahead and listen to it. 
You'll cry.
It's fine.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Friends, They Are Jewels

Time seems to go so fast these days.
I can't even comprehend it.
Before I know it, a day, a week, a month has gone by.
And I'm over here like, "wait, hang on, wasn't I just born like yesterday?"

Today is Thursday which is fun because I have so much time between work and class that I can do so much.
Usually, I waste it.
I watch TV, 
spend way too much time on social media,
or sit on the couch doing absolutely nothing. (Really though, this happens.)

Today I made a gourmet breakfast (of scrambled eggs on toast - a classic.)
Then sat around the apartment, tried on probably five different outfits, and FINALLY forced myself to walk to the library where I can usually focus.
I spent about thirty minutes trying to print power point slides for my Humanities class, but for the life of me, could not figure it out.
Power Point was smarter than me this time around.
And since the magic of swiping my ID card to pay for documents has faded, I gave up in a huge rage, and decided to work on something else.
I planned my week out and realized I don't have any homework due tomorrow. (YAY)

So here I am, in the "Eating Zone" at the library. Foodless and happy. 

But, moral of the story is, I definitely did have a reason for writing today.

A lovely, lovely person, Sister Haddock wrote me the kindest note this afternoon. She was my BOM professor last semester, and is now my Humanities professor this semester. I had one of those mornings where you leave the house feeling unattractive, unimportant, and definitely unhappy.  In this note, Sister Haddock said some very uplifting words and essentially deemed me "Rebekah - The Radiant." Is it a coincidence that the shirt I'm wearing today says, "Shine Bright."? 

I think not.

I definitely needed this reminder today that I am radiant. That I do make a difference in people's lives.  We all do.  We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father.  We have so much worth, and radiance, and light.  I am so thankful for  Sister Haddock who listened to the spirit to help me remember my worth today.

Have a happy, happy Thursday.

♥ Bekah

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Echt: Real; authentic; genuine

Happiness is...

Happy, Thursday.
