Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Best Two Years

Missionary: Someone who leaves their family for two years so that others can be with theirs for Eternity.

It's official.
He's gone.
My twin walked into the MTC at approximately 12:45 today.
He looked so confident and happy that I couldn't help but be excited for him.
But shoot, I'm going to miss him.

It just feels so surreal.
Where did all the time go?
It feels like just yesterday we were eating in our high chair,
and riding the teeter-totter,
and playing with Bionicles,
and peeing on the sidewalk while our mom tried to potty train us,
and going to the zoo,
and riding two-wheeler bikes for the first time,
and playing in the sandbox,
and jumping on the trampoline,
and taking crazy pictures,
and dressing up for Halloween,
and surviving our awkward stages,
and going to stake dances,
and learning how to drive,
and going on our first dates,
and fighting over having the radio on in our car,
and staying up late to play just one more card game,
and hanging out in the New York City subway while on vacation,
and laughing at the dinner table because of how crazy our siblings are,
and making funny videos,
and playing or singing music together,
and graduating from high school.

Two years is a long time.
It'll be 2015 when he comes home.
Who knows what the world will be like in that time.
Who knows what I'll be like or what I'll be doing in that time.
All I know is that Michael is doing the right thing by serving this mission.
I know he will be blessed, the people of Taiwan will be blessed, and our family will be blessed.
I am so eternally grateful for that.

Good luck, Elder Boyd.
See ya in two. ♥ 


Saturday, June 22, 2013


Alexithymia: Inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner.

Maybe it's one o'clock and I know I'll have a sleep hang-over tomorrow,
but I just don't care.
I have this desire, this urge, to write something.
But I don't know what.
I can't really put into words the mood I'm in right now.

In a little over two months I will be moving out of my house and into the college dorms.
I will be leaving everything I've known, for the last twelve years or so, behind.
This prospect is terrifying to me.
Most teenagers are ready to "leave the nest" and "FINALLY get more freedom and independence."
But me, I'm content living in my cute little corner room in the basement.
Falling asleep with cold toes and a squeaky bed is just fine with me.
But then again, how can I deny myself the exciting experience of college?
I get to have my own little adventure.
I get to meet new friends and new people.
I have have the opportunity to educate myself at one of the best universities in the country.
I should probably learn how to
manage my money
wash my clothes
cook my food
get a long with people
go to bed on time
change a tire on my car
pay my bills
and all the other responsibilities associated with "growing up."

Oh boy.
It's going to interesting.
To say the least.

Goodnight. Goodnight. Goodnight.

Ps, I went to California. It was amazing.

♥ Bekah

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Keep Breathing

Wanderlust: The need or desire to travel; to adventure; to explore.

This song perfectly describes my mood for the night.
Please, just listen to it.
And appreciate it.
And love it.

We're heading to the sunny state of California tomorrow.
Our last vacation with our whole family for two, maybe two and a half, years.
Can you believe that?
I'm so excited.
But it's bittersweet because coming back also means that Michael leaves for two years.
As I've said before and I will say again,

"We shared the womb; now we share the world."

How true is that?
I'll be in Lehi.
Then Provo.
Then who knows where.
My twin and best friend of eighteen and a half years will be in Taiwan.
Preaching the gospel.
Bringing joy to our fellow brothers and sisters.
That's pretty cool, if you ask me.
And a pretty good excuse for him two leave us for 
2 years,
or 24 months,
or 104 weeks,
or 730 days.
Whatever way you want to do the math.

Well, goodnight my friends.
If you need me, I'll be packing.

♥ Bekah

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Taylor Swift: Our Way.

Parents: Any organism that produces or generates another.

And these, are my parents.

I hope you are having a lovely Tuesday.

♥ Bekah

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

All This and Heaven Too

Hadal: Pertaining to the greatest ocean depths.

It's summer and therefore, what have I been doing?
Well, watching TV of course.

First of all, Emma...
The four hour version, mind you.
Like, hi. Is that not the most romantic movie you have ever seen?
It just keeps building and building until you yourself are in love with Mr. Knightly.
And then they kiss, and you just want to scream to the world that you want your own Mr. Knightly.
So beautiful, and so so good.

Then I watched Room With a View,
with actresses Helena Bonham Carter and Maggie Smith (who later co-starred in Harry Potter as Bellatrix Lestrange and Professor McGonagall.)
There I was, minding my own business, when three of the men decided to go "bathe" in a pond. And when they mean bathe, they literally mean BATHE. As in
birth suits
And trust me, it did show it all.
A little TMI, if you ask me.
But it was good.
Although the ending was definitely too abrupt.
And why did she fall in love with him, all he did was forcefully kiss her twice!

And then, The Lakehouse.
Like, really?
I just don't understand it and I've probably watched it at least three times.
I mean, kudos to the writers, it's a creative story.
And very romantic.
But, time travel?
It's way too complicated for this brain.

And that is all.

I also spent a good ten minutes having a heart to heart with a telemarketer today.
He called me at work, and since Bonnie and Darwin have a hard time talking on the phone, I talk for them.
I lied and told him my name was Sarah.
But then I felt guilty for lying.
So I told him my real  name was Bekah and asked him how his day was going. He kept trying to say goodbye, but I kept asking him questions, and finally he opened up to me. Here's what I found out...

His name is Paul.
He is probably from an Asian country (judging from his accent)
He is 22.
And not married
(Because he's too conservative.  He doesn't want to get married so young.)
He does not have a girlfriend.
(He doesn't think girls find him attractive.)
To which, I added, that I was sure there is a lucky girl out there who thinks he is very handsome.

He then proceeded to ask me if I had a facebook and I said "Mmmmmmm, yeah, but my mom doesn't like me adding people I don't know." (When all else fails, use mom as the excuse.)

But he was really so nice, and I'm sure it was a nice break from the tedious telemarketer calls.  Can you imagine doing that all day?  It was also a nice break for meeee!

Then after a date of eating watermelon and playing volleyball, I came home and talked to my dad for an hour.  Have I mentioned that my dad was given the "Best Dad Award."? Well, he was, and he IS the best dad!

And, goodnight.
It's been fun.

♥ Bekah

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

And So It Begins

Summer: A period of hot, usually sunny weather.

Are these not the cutest kittens you have ever seen?
The son at my work brought them in.
I am obsessed.

Today was the first official day of summer.
And what did I do?
I spent most of the day with my siblings:
Looking at hamsters, going on a bike ride, eating snowcones, and doing the dishes.
Really though, I couldn't ask for a better time.
I also went to work and watched "Emma" with Bonnie and Darwin.
(Yes, the four hour, and best, version)
I also went to Katie's farewell party since she's leaving tomorrow for her summer internship.
She's one of my best friends and I'm so grateful for her friendship and the memories we've shared.
I love you, Miss Katie Rogel.


Well goodnight, my friends.
It's been a good one.
Until next time,

♥ Bekah

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Be Still, My Soul

Peace: Freedom from any strife or dissension.

"Peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall triumph thee on high."
D&C 121:7

I am so grateful for the power of God in our lives.
He knows us. 
He has a plan for us. 
He loves us.

What a blessing it is that we can find peace in this crazy world of chaos.

 ♥ Bekah