Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Religion: A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons.

I kind of really like the amazing
led by a prophet
church that I belong to.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I am so happy and blessed that I have the privilege to be a part of it.

I know that my Redeemer lives.

♥ Bekah

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Story

Nostalgia: a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time.

Meet my twin brother, Michael. (The one in the middle.)

.....I really couldn't resist

I went to my old elementary school today to play games with the sixth graders.
As I walked around the school, I realized that I spent six years of my life in that building.
Some of the teachers are still there in the exact rooms I remember them in.
That was more than ten years ago.
Needless to say, as I walked through those strangely familiar walls, I was hit with Nostalgia.
It felt like yesterday when we walked in pairs to the art room.
Or the computer lab.
Or outside to recess.
Or to the glorious lunchroom.
Memories upon memories hit me as I thought of my years in kindergarten through fifth grade.
I remembered kissing Chandler Johnson on the cheek in line for the drinking fountain in Mrs. Warnick's Kindergarten class.
I remembered in first grade, learning how to draw spaces with skittles or m&m's and then being able to eat them if we did a good job.
I remembered doing our "teeth-loss" survey to see how many students had lost their baby teeth in second grade Mrs. Tucker's class. 
I remembered telling Chandler Johnson that I liked someone with the initials of C and J and him telling me that he liked a girl with the initials of R and B during recess by the big play set.
I remembered learning the times table songs (some of them I still know the tunes to) and learning how to write in cursive in Mrs. Carlson's class.
I remembered knitting during class in Ms. Dewitt's class (I legitimately  ) And going to art with the scary Ms. Smith who everyone thought had a mustache.
I remember fifth grade when everyone had cooties and we used to wipe them on each others desks.  I remember Romeo and Juliet and our floppy cardboard stage that we thought was really cool at the time. 

It's weird because a lot of my memories from when I was little blend together and are fuzzy, but my memories from school are clear and easily remembered.
I had an exceptional childhood, and I know that had a lot to do with the fact that I had such good friends, and also because I went to a great school.

Oh, and there's me. I was such an awkward, darling little girl. And oh, just look at that lovely part in my hair.

On a more present note, here's some pictures from the last few days.

The lovely Sarah Sparks bought me a Cinnamon Roll during lunch. We quite enjoyed their warm, gooey, cinnamon-y, DELICIOUS insides.

Rehearsal with this beaut.

She lovingly welcomes me home each day.

This is Mr. Andersen's computer. LOOK AT THOSE TABS. I think they might be parallel to the way his brain works. I literally don't know how he keeps track of it all.

This is the way Michael keeps me from stealing our lotion from leaving the bathroom. 

Les Mis, though?
It's playing at Lone Peak.
I went last night with Elisa's mom and Eliza Van Bloem.
The singing was PHENOMENAL.
I have never seen that much talent from a high school before.
I was very impressed and touched by their beautiful performance.

One more note before I got to bed,
or as my dad says, "hit the rack."

I had a friend share a scripture with me yesterday that really touched me.

2 Corinthians 4:18

"While we look not at the things which are seen,
but at the things which are not seen:
for the things which are seen are temporal;
but the things which are not seen are eternal."

This stood out to me because the world focuses on things that are seen (money, cars, popularity, clothes, etc.) But is that really going to mean anything in eternity? Nope. So why should I waste my time on them? The things that are ETERNAL are things like knowledge, service, faith, honesty, etc.  These are the things that are really going to matter; these are the things I should be spending my precious time on.

I'm really starting to think that I'm going to go on a mission.
I really really want to, at least.
Which is exciting.
Unbelievably exciting.
But also really scary.
Terrifying, actually.
I just feel so unprepared.
So inadequate.
So naive.

We had a missionary activity for Laurels today.
I know if I want to become more ready I need to
and trust in the Lord.

It's an exciting time in life, folks.
I really am trying to just enjoy these last few days of high school.
Have a wonderful night.

♥ Bekah

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Giving Up

Belabor: To explain, worry about, or work at, repeatedly or more than is necessary.

How I feel about the end of the term:

Oh the fun.

♥ Bekah

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Drop in The Ocean

Sleep: To take the rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and natural suspension.

Such a lovely day Saturday is.
I wish everyday was Saturday.

It's been a big week.
Definitely big.

I think I'll just post pictures about it.
A picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Sunday night was delightfully fun. 
We went to my Grandma Davis' house 
and finally had our annual Christmas dinner!
Yep. In March.
But it was really fun.
See for yourself. 


I lost my phone this week.
REALLY lost it.
So that was fun.
BUT, since I'm obviously my dad's favorite,
he is going to give me his android and buy himself a new!
Gosh, isn't he so thoughtful...
He really is though. (:

What else? 
Well, it was red ribbon week this week.
I pledged to never do drugs.

My seminary teacher (Brother Kikman) took pictures on my camera.
While I was in the bathroom.
The nerve...

I had region on Thursday. Rachel and I didn't do so hot. BUT, HAMLET GOT FIRST PLACE IN REGION!!!!! Like, WHAT? Isn't that so crazy and exciting! I wasn't there when we found out, instead I found out on facebook. But I am just so overwhelmed with happiness. 

Last night I hung out with some really good friends and watched, Love Comes Softly. It was absolutely darling. I LOVED IT!!
I went to the temple today! It was such a peaceful relief.

 But really though, SO PEACEFUL!

The rest of the pictures are on my phone.
Which is lost.
The lost,
In hiding,
perhaps stolen,
cell-phone of mine.

And now I must go to bed.
I am legitimately falling asleep while I write this.
So if it doesn't make sense, please just know that it's not my fault.

Okay, goodnight.

♥ Bekah

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fire By Night

Bevel: the inclination that one line or surface makes with another when not at right angles.

It's 11:30.
I still have a whole math assignment to do.
I don't want to do it.

I'm not going to lie.------------->>>>>>>>>>>
It's been a hard day.<<<<<<<<----------------

I lost my phone.<<
I looked for it for two hours.<<
Called it a hundred times.<<
Checked the office every hour.<<
It is definitely gone.<<

I just wish I was better at making decisions.
The future,
the unknown,
the road ahead,
is scary.
Really scary.

Tomorrow is a new day.>>
Thank goodness for that.>>


Saturday, March 9, 2013

World Spins Madly On

Linchpin: something that holds the various elements of a complicated structure together.

It's been a while since I've posted.
I blame it on my crazy schedule.
And on the fact that I don't know what to say.
It's not that I don't have anything to say,
It's that I have too much to say.
Too many thoughts racing through my head.
Too many things happening.
I don't even know where to start.

I guess I could do a quick little summary of what's been happening.

I've been having spontaneous photoshoots with my friends since I always have my camera around...

This is my darling friend, Lizzy.

She is literally the funnest person to be around.

And she is GORGEOUS!

Pictures on the football field and in the snow equals love.

This is Emily Allen.
She is also my roommate at BYU next year.

The lovely Rachel Clark.

Hamlet opened.
And then it closed.
Those were some of  the most emotionally draining nights of my whole life.
Like really though.
The play is only an hour long, but it is non-stop the whole time.
I begin the play being a happy, go-lucky girl and by the end, I go insane and drown myself because of the grief.
Try experiencing that every night for two or so weeks.
These have been some of the most amazing nights, too.
I've learned so much,
grown stronger,
gained more self-confidence
and trust in myself,
fallen in love with the story of the beautiful story of Hamlet,
and ultimately found that my potential is unlimited.
It has been a life-changing experience and I'm going to remember it for the rest of my life!

She came to see me!!!
(I hope you take time to appreciate the photo-bomber)

We had to get a picture of the three of us, of course!

Our feet got quite dirty.
(Katie fails at photo-bombing.)


Then we had Region on Thursday, and (hopefully) we'll make it to State!
That would be pretty cool.
(And even more exhausting)

What else has been happening?
Well, the Chinese New Year celebration was pretty great.
I was in rehearsal for Harvey, but I managed to socialize a bit...

Madi Shiba and I were very happy to be in China...

Love this lovely lady!

Valentine's Day also came upon us.
Ms. Nelsen said in her opinion, Valentine's Day isn't about having "The One"
It doesn't have to be "Single Awareness Day"
It's about sharing and expressing love to the people you care about.
So that's how I chose to view Valentine's Day this year.
It was a great day full of sharing love
hugging my loved ones,
and kissing. >>>On the cheek, of course.<<<

Jake Jeppson gave me a kiss at the kissing booth      

And then Ben Parker gave me a kiss.       
Such a dream come true.

This is Chance. He dressed up very nicely for the special day.
So, naturally, I had to get a picture with him.

Tanner gave me a Valentine.
I felt very loved.    

And that's life lately.
In a nutshell.
(Or just a really long post.)

I'm going to bed now because guess what!
Tonight is Daylight Savings.
Which means I get one less hour of sleep.
That's always the best.
