Theater: A building, part of a building, or outdoor area for housing dramatic presentations, stage entertainments, etc.
Another night of babysitting.
Another week of craziness and chaos.
As stressful as babysitting my five siblings is, I really do enjoy it.
I enjoy spending time with some of my best friends.
Is it weird that I consider my two-year-old brother as a best friend?
I mean, he is never going to remember me brushing his teeth and occasionally brushing his nose to make him laugh.
Or him announcing, "When I grow up I'm going to wear pull-ups. All the time."
Or his giving me a huge hug with a running start before he goes to bed.
But I am.
I'm going to remember it all,
his rosy, pudgy cheeks.
His big, beautiful, expressive, brown eyes.
His darling smile.
His funny remarks.
The funny way he says those funny remarks.
His little stutter.
And that's how I feel about all of them.
The way Nick worries before going to bed, making sure I don't go to sleep until he's finally asleep.
Or how Sammi wants me to sing her a "LONG" song when I'm saying goodnight to her and it's already ten minutes past her bedtime.
Or having a girls night with Sammi and Bethany, painting our nails and watching Tangled.
Or beautiful Bethany refusing to eat her food, even when she's below the zero percentile in weight for her age and she needs all the food she can get.
Or Nathan snuggling up to me when I sing him a song at night and I realize that below his intense, loud exterior, there is an innocent, sweet, tender little boy.
I feel so blessed to be a part in the lives of these beautiful souls.
Anyway, I know I post about my siblings a lot, but I just can't help it.
So I went to UTA (Utah Theater Association) last week which was AMAZING!
I was sick on the first day of workshops, but I made it to the second day.
We watched Sweeney Todd.
But, I learned so much and I will definitely be using a some of it for Hamlet.
(Which is opening on the 27th!!!!!)
Noah is getting ready... |
There he goes. |
So excited to learn about pantomiming! |
We met these kids while walking to the workshop.
The first thing the girl said to Adam was, "Hi, you're attractive."
So naturally, we sat by them. |
Me and Rachel have lots of fun at UTA. |
My favorite Pioneer High School students, Alexa and Ammon! |
Luhhhhh her! |
Exploration of Westminster College. |
The Hamlet cast is part of Stage Crew for Harvey, so yesterday and today, we helped with that.
I was in charge of moving the stairs, but then Justus came to my rescue.
And we traded jobs.
So now I'm in charge of curtains.
And let me tell you. Without me, the show would not go on.
I've never worked backstage before, and it's been really fun.
This is Thayne. Sometimes he goes by Ninja. |
Katie and I wore coordinating outfits. So, of course I had to get a picture.
And we are darling, are we not? |
Yesterday was retro day/night.
It was really fun seeing the outfits people wore for that.
I walked into Student Council, and this is what I found.
Yes folks, this is my teacher, Gig.
I think he looks pretty good, don't you? |
Thayne and I made it to the end of the Stag, and it was CRAZY!
If you've ever been in the middle of the dance floor during a stag, you know what I mean.
Everyone is jumping up and down.
And running into each other.
And you sweat like you never have before.
And the music is ridiculously loud.
And bodies are all around you.
Pressing in on you.
And you wonder if you might get crushed.
And possibly die.
Hmm, in fact, it doesn't sound that fun typed out like that.
Oh, but it was.
For about fifteen minutes.
And then we went back into the auditorium where Ms. Nelsen and some friends were talking.
And that's about all I have to say.
For tonight.
Life is good, even when I have calculus homework hanging over my head.
Goodnight, folks.
Brayden, my hipster brother, also says goodnight. |
♥ Bekah